<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Oct 21, 2016 2:25:39 PM

How To Building A Successful Online Ad Campaign

If you're advertising for a business today, then the chances are you're doing it online. The digital marketing world has exploded in recent years, as more companies, organizations, and ideas race to the online sphere in an attempt to have their voices heard. Unfortunately, simply starting an online ad campaign iisn't enough - you need to make sure that you create the right campaign to appeal to your specific audience.

The key to building a successful online ad campaign starts with understanding that advertising on the internet requires more than just a computer and a little talent - it also requires discipline. Just because you have a creative ad doesn't mean that you're putting the right message across to your audience, along with the necessary call-to-action. You might even find that your ad generates leads to your website, but that it doesn't push those leads to convert. If you want to make sure your ad campaign is a success, keep the following tips in mind.

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Apr 7, 2016 9:00:00 AM

5 Benefits of Self-Serve Advertising

No matter the size of your marketing business, the chances are that you've already experienced how challenging it can be to find the perfect advertising solutions for every client you work with. While some brands will benefit more from a marketing strategy that focuses entirely on their social presence, others will need to think outside of the box with dynamic creative and video content.

Self-serve advertising helps to reduce the costs and concerns typically associated with finding the right advertising platforms, by allowing clients to take control over every aspect of their marketing scheme. Rather than having to pay out for a sales team to help organize and manage ads from a variety of different marketing approaches, self-serve advertising platforms make establishing a brand name or presence online easier than ever.

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Apr 5, 2016 9:00:00 AM

How to Make Online Advertising Work for You

Online advertising has the unique ability to reach out instantly to people across the entire world. If you're in the advertisement industry, then you probably know that online advertising has emerged as the primary platform for advertising in businesses throughout the globe - big or small. In fact, research suggests that in the following few years, online advertising will continue to outshine all other forms of promotion.

Of course, because of the possibilities that online advertising has brought to the marketing world, achieving the best results on the world wide web has become something of a challenge. Not only do you need to search for ways to maximize your online potential, but you also need to ensure that your efforts are more impressive than your competitors, otherwise you could end up getting lost in the crowd. With that in mind, here's some insight into how you can make online advertising work for your business.

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Dec 17, 2015 8:30:00 AM

10 Significant Advertising Topics of 2015

Over the course of 2015, a number of important trends have emerged in the world of online advertising and digital development. From understanding ad viewability, banner fatigue, and dynamic ads, to making use of new concepts like mobile advertising, video, and social media, every brand is constantly on the search for new ways of making their particular product or service more appealing to the masses.

In the world of marketing, online advertising is always going to be an essential way to improve your brand presence, get your voice heard, and enhance conversions, but in order to stay ahead of competitors, it's crucial that you know the latest tactics and trends in place. For instance, do you know how to utilize retargeting and behavioral targeting as a way of reaching out to your audience on a more personal level? Do you understand the risks that you face with advertising online, and how to fight back against threats like click fraud?

As we approach the New Year, now is the perfect time to cover some of the most significant advertising elements that continue to be in play, so that you can start your upcoming campaign with support from the latest, and most relevant information.

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Nov 19, 2015 11:16:10 AM

3 Important Online Advertising Campaign Strategies

In a World where the common customer often regards obvious advertising schemes with distaste, it's more crucial than ever to be ingenious in the way you construct your online advertising campaign strategies. Sometimes, getting an ad creative to the right person at the right time is enough of a challenge in itself, and as constant innovations roll into the market, there are ever more complex and confusing options available for reaching out to your audience.

We all know that digital marketing has come a long way over the recent years, but the central questions remain the same: Where is your audience? How can you get them to listen?And what will it take to ensure they engage with your brand?

If you're in charge of an online advertising campaign, then it's up to you to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape of media strategies. Fall behind, and you're likely to lose your customers to your competitors faster than you ever imagined. Following are three of the newest online solutions for advertising that you can consider if you want to stay ahead of the game.

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Oct 30, 2015 11:34:12 PM

The Insider's Survival Guide to Online Advertising

If you still haven't come to terms with the true importance of online advertising yet - then you're going to need to start boosting your efforts - and quickly. The amount that companies have been spending on online advertisement has grown consistently over the recent years, and reports suggest that the numbers will only continue to go up.

Although it's true that advertising online can take some getting used to - particularly if you've been living in a World where television marketing and magazine banners are the number one way to drive people towards your business - it's impossible to get by in the professional World today without it. While online advertising can be somewhat overwhelming, it doesn't have to be if you have the right information and guidance at hand. If you feel as though you're tackling the jungle of online advertising alone - this handy insider's survival guide could be the perfect tool for making sure you come out at the end more successful than ever.

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Oct 12, 2015 4:04:41 PM

Online Advertising Campaigns Fail For 3 Main Reasons

There is a fine line between success and failure in the digital marketing industry. Ensure your brand strategy is primed for prosperity by avoiding these mistakes in your next campaign.

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Sep 14, 2015 8:00:00 AM

Ad Viewability Versus Above-the-Fold Targeting: Which Matters More?

What does the concept of ad viewability mean in the context of strategy? And what makes it more significant than above-the-fold targeting? Viewability is more important in digital marketing than ever before. But why? A large percentage of marketers still judge the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns by tracking the cost per thousand and click-through rates. Though this may work for some, unfortunately, the results of such an analysis are easy to skew. Various forms of digital advertising are beginning to see an increase in fraud, thanks to bots.

Lately, many scientific studies agree that "your ad being seen" is more important than your ad getting clicked. The simple reasoning behind this is that an advertisement is useless unless it can be seen. With this in mind, the concept of ad viewability continues to gain momentum within the tech industry.

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Sep 2, 2015 9:00:00 AM

How To Make Advertising Online Not Suck

In today's technology-driven world, online advertising has become a huge component of all effective advertising strategies. Regardless of whether your organization is B2C or B2B, implementing digital advertisements correctly ensures that you'll be able to successfully develop your business online, fostering more sales, conversions, and brand awareness. However, if your ads aren't well-planned in everything from the channel that you use, to the design and copy, you could miss out on the results you've been hoping for. So how do you make sure that your advertising online doesn't suck?

1. Focus on Delivering Fresh Creative

As the name suggests, the primary focus behind your creative should be creativity. Incorporating fresh ideas, unique elements, and innovative visual elements into your advertisements is crucial to fostering success. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that although you should be willing to change your advertisements up as often as necessary, you will want to ensure that certain parts of your creative remain consistent. In simple terms, offer your audience something engaging to look at - but make sure that they know it's you behind the ad. Altering your creative is particularly important if you choose to extend your marketing efforts to social media - as users in these avenues hate seeing the same post over and over again. Test out your new campaigns thoroughly, and make sure to use images with a consistent aesthetic so that your campaign continues to feel familiar for customers that are already aware of you.

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Jul 1, 2015 9:22:00 AM

What Is The Top Online Advertising Trend In 2015?

Quite simply, it’s mobile advertisingThe mobile advertising industry is growing far quicker than its desktop counterpart. It grew by 34% as opposed to 11%. Yet for many businesses, mobile advertising enjoys less advertising spend.

The fact is, consumers are looking at content on mobile devices all the time and most advertising platforms know that their users are much more likely to watch a video these days. And because video ads are often more powerful than static ads, there’s a lot of potential profit out there for you.

Recent research shows that 55% of mobile data traffic now stems from video, aided by the likes of Facebook and Snapchat. For instance, Facebook alone enjoys an average of 4 billion daily video views – a staggering amount. And of those 4 billion views, 75% of them are seen on a mobile device. Mobile app Snapchat boasts of 2 billion video views every day. And this is likely to be the tip of the iceberg.

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