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Dec 5, 2021 5:15:00 PM

4 Reasons Why Programmatic Ad Buying Is Important

Programmatic advertising - which is the purchase of media inventory based on audience-focused factors - has recently established itself as one of the most popular topics in the world of digital marketing. Within the B2B community, programmatic ad buying has taken center stage for companies looking to get ahead of the trends, to innovate and optimize how they reach out to and connect with potential customers and clients.

The programmatic ad buying process utilizes automated technology for the buying and selling of digital media, across a wide range of websites. This option is generally used as a fast-paced, effective alternative to relying on human interaction to secure ad placements. Basically, if you use a machine to deliver or purchase a digital ad, then you've become a part of a programmatic transaction.

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Feb 19, 2021 11:21:00 AM

How to Build a Successful Programmatic Media Buying Strategy

As a modern marketer, it's practically impossible to ignore the impact that programmatic media buying is having on the digital world. The technology involved with programmatic buying is having a profound impact on the way that consumers interact with brands, as well as the way that brands develop a greater return on their investments. Programmatic buying, which programmatic media buying automates the purchase of media, has demonstrated an unprecedented amount of efficiency in a world where customers are constantly connected to their devices.

As the rise of programmatic buying continues to show promise in the digital world, it's crucial for businesses and brands to stay on top of the latest updates, and understand the powerful potential this strategy has to offer. Following, we'll cover a few of the steps you'll need to consider in developing your own programmatic media buying strategy.

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Mar 9, 2017 9:51:57 AM

Steps To Implement A Data Strategy Into Your Programmatic Media Buys

Simply diving into a programmatic advertising strategy without any kind of plan based on previous data is like jumping head first into a lake with no idea what's waiting for you at the bottom. While you might land on a pile of bouncy cushions, there's also the risk that you could fall onto a host of venomous snakes ready to eat you alive.

Unfortunately, a lot of marketers forget about the importance of data strategies when it comes to informing their programmatic media purchases. Following, we're going to look closely at what programmatic media buying is, and why you should always create a comprehensive strategy based on essential data if you want to make the most of your campaign, and your advertising budget.

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Jan 3, 2017 9:46:42 AM

Is Programmatic Native Advertising The Answer?

The blend between native advertising and programmatic ad delivery could represent a powerful solution to many marketing problems. There are already a range of companies such as the New York Times, and Grupo expansion who are unlocking new mobile experiences to help advertisers offer better user experiences to their customers across different screens.

This adjustment is important, as every day 68% of smartphone users check their phones within minutes of waking up. At the same time, consumers across the world are using mobile devices to catch up with their family and friends, read new information online, and check out entertaining videos. That means that if you want to find your place within the current market, and sell more products, then you need to think about introducing smart, responsive websites and marketing schemes.

Up until now, the disconnect between ad experience and content experiences on mobile has stopped advertisers from taking advantage of incredible opportunities to engage their audience. However, programmatic native advertising could be the answer.

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