<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">
Dec 17, 2015 8:30:00 AM

10 Significant Advertising Topics of 2015

Over the course of 2015, a number of important trends have emerged in the world of online advertising and digital development. From understanding ad viewability, banner fatigue, and dynamic ads, to making use of new concepts like mobile advertising, video, and social media, every brand is constantly on the search for new ways of making their particular product or service more appealing to the masses.

In the world of marketing, online advertising is always going to be an essential way to improve your brand presence, get your voice heard, and enhance conversions, but in order to stay ahead of competitors, it's crucial that you know the latest tactics and trends in place. For instance, do you know how to utilize retargeting and behavioral targeting as a way of reaching out to your audience on a more personal level? Do you understand the risks that you face with advertising online, and how to fight back against threats like click fraud?

As we approach the New Year, now is the perfect time to cover some of the most significant advertising elements that continue to be in play, so that you can start your upcoming campaign with support from the latest, and most relevant information.

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Dec 3, 2015 8:28:37 AM

5 Retargeting Strategies You Cannot Ignore

Retargeting efforts, known to some online advertising as "remarketing" strategies, can be one of the most potent and effective tools in your arsenal when it comes to continuously attracting and retaining customers.  

In general, the process of retargeting means placing a small amount of code on your website, which watches visitors on your behalf. In other words, when a new visitor approaches your website, the small piece of code will leave a cookie on their browser that allows you to continue sharing advertisements with those users - even as they leave your website and travel to other locations on the web. Instead of having to track down your audience and remind them of the valuable products and services you have to offer, your retargeting solution can do the hard work for you, allowing you to focus exclusively on creating effective ads for whatever you have to offer.

Statistics suggest that only around 2% of first-time visitors to your website will convert, and retargeting is a powerful tool because it allows you to focus your attention on the other 98%. These are the would-be customers who have already been exposed to your brand, but didn't convert for whatever reason. Following, we'll discuss some of the retargeting strategies you can't afford to ignore, if you want to make the most out of your conversions.

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Oct 12, 2015 4:04:41 PM

Online Advertising Campaigns Fail For 3 Main Reasons

There is a fine line between success and failure in the digital marketing industry. Ensure your brand strategy is primed for prosperity by avoiding these mistakes in your next campaign.

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Aug 24, 2015 9:00:00 AM

5 Reasons Why Mobile Advertising Campaigns Fail At Converting

Whether you appreciate the portable revolution or not, the fact is that mobile advertising is here to stay - meaning that creating an effective and actionable strategy is more crucial than ever. According to search engine giants Google, the global penetration of smartphones reached about 25% in 2014, and the number of people browsing on their phones has continued growing ever since.

However, in spite of the fact that smartphone usage has grown, a lot of organizations and companies still struggle when it comes to applying a viable strategy for mobile advertising to their marketing campaign. Around 84% of companies who attempt to market with mobile see a significant boost in their overall sales, yet a significant number of them are still making mistakes that make their efforts either useless - or annoying. If you're struggling to see the positives of your mobile marketing campaign, the cause could come from one of the following five reasons.

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Aug 5, 2015 9:00:00 AM

The One Campaign Setting That Guarantees Retargeting Failure

Are you aware that about 90-98% of all website visitors don't convert? Getting a slew of traffic to visit your site and check out your services is a great thing - but it doesn't do much if none of that traffic generates sales. Retargeting is a marketing technique that can help you stay connected to bounced traffic, recreating chances for you to turn visitors into customers. With the complex customer journeys and long sales cycles that exist today, creating numerous touch points with your prospects is essential to maximizing your ROI.

Retargeting has been a hot topic in the World of advertising and marketing for the last couple of years. As a solution that enables brands and companies to interact with individuals who have already shown interest in their websites, retargeting goes beyond PPC and traditional online advertising by taking customer involvement to a new level. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that retargeting is a guaranteed method for success. In fact, a lot of companies learn that failing to retarget correctly can leave them with complete campaign failure.

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Oct 9, 2014 7:30:00 AM

Marketing Attribution In A Digital World

In the not-so-distant marketing history, brands could only reach consumers through a few marketing channels, such as product catalogs, customer service linesand in-store interactions; but with the advent of digital media ad online advertising, the number of channels for reaching consumers has increased exponentially.

Today, customer journeys are far from linear - they tend to happen across multiple platforms, devices and sessions, and make purchase decisions based on a variety of “touch points,” such as social media, mobile apps, dynamic banner ads and retargeting ads.

Pressure is building on brands to shift their advertising spend to digital, and rely more heavily on data to measure the success of their campaigns. And at the heart of this transition is attribution.

Marketing attribution is a method used by marketers to assign value to each channel that plays a role in influencing a consumer to make a purchase. For example, if a user visits your website through an organic search; returns later via a social network and then makes a purchase after clicking on a banner ad, which channel should get the credit?

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Jun 26, 2014 11:12:00 AM

Conversion Attribution

When an advertiser's conversion pixel loads, ExactDrive's online advertising platform determines if that pixel load can be associated with a user, and if so, whether the user has converted in response to having previously viewed or clicked one of the advertiser's creatives. This process is called conversion attribution.

ExactDrive performs conversion attribution using the "post-view/post-click" method. Depending upon whether you've created a "post-view" or "post-click" conversion pixel, or a "hybrid" conversion pixel (which is triggered by views or clicks), the conversion will be attributed differently.

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