<img width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" src="//ib.adnxs.com/pixie?pi=da3765fe-b89e-4d68-a777-4ef35def16e2&amp;e=PageView&amp;script=0">

Conversion_AttributionWhen an advertiser's conversion pixel loads, ExactDrive's online advertising platform determines if that pixel load can be associated with a user, and if so, whether the user has converted in response to having previously viewed or clicked one of the advertiser's creatives. This process is called conversion attribution.

ExactDrive performs conversion attribution using the "post-view/post-click" method. Depending upon whether you've created a "post-view" or "post-click" conversion pixel, or a "hybrid" conversion pixel (which is triggered by views or clicks), the conversion will be attributed differently.

Whichever type of pixel you use, an important concept to understand is the pixel's expiration. The expiration is set by the advertiser for each conversion pixel. It determines how far back in time to search the user's cookie data for evidence of a view or click of the advertiser's creative. If a view or click occurred within the expiration, it is given credit for the conversion.

The Conversion Attribution Process


Our system checks for an ExactDrive cookie stored by the browser, and attributes the conversion if possible

  • If there is no ExactDrive cookie stored by the user's browser, the pixel is recorded as having loaded, but the conversion CANNOT be attributed.

  • If there is an ExactDrive cookie stored by the user's browser, the pixel is recorded as having loaded, and we check the cookie data for the most recent view or click associated with the advertiser's creative. If the cookie data does not include a record of a view or click event within the user-specified expiration, the conversion is NOT attributed.

  • If there is an ExactDrive cookie stored by the user's browser, the pixel is recorded as having loaded, and we check the cookie data for the most recent view or click associated with the advertiser's creative. If the cookie data includes a record of a view or click event within the user-specified expiration, the conversion IS attributed.

Attribution Examples

There are three types of conversion pixels: ViewClick, and Hybrid. Each of the three pixel types is configured to use an expiration which determines how far back in time our online advertising platform will look for an event of that type (view, click, or both). In the case of hybrid conversion pixels, the expiration for views and clicks can be configured separately.

Note: In all of the following examples, the phrases "last impression" or "last click" are shorthand for "the last impression or click event logged".

View Conversion Pixel

When using View conversion pixels, conversions are attributed to the last impression that occurs before the conversion.

Click Conversion Pixel

When using Click conversion pixels, conversions are attributed to the last click that occurs before the conversion..

Hybrid Conversion Pixel, Single Expiration

When using Hybrid conversion pixels, either views or clicks can be credited for conversions. The expiration for views and clicks can be configured separately. If both impressions and clicks are attributed using the same expiration, the following rules apply:

  • The most recent click is always given credit for the conversion. This is true even if there are impressions which have occurred more recently than the click.

  • If there are no clicks, only impressions, the most recent impression is attributed.

  • If there are no clicks or impressions, the conversion is not attributed.

Hybrid Conversion Pixel, Separate Expirations

In the most common use case for Hybrid conversion pixels, impressions are given a much shorter expiration than clicks. This means that a click further in the past will be credited with a conversion over a more recent impression.

Related articles: 3 Steps To Increase Conversions For Your Website

Topics: Advertising Optimization, Conversions, Conversion Attribution

Eric Greener

Written by Eric Greener

Founding partner at ExactDrive and happily married father of four.

Gain Control.

Founded in 2011, ExactDrive is a data-driven digital media buying and planning agency. We’re always on the lookout for motivated ad agencies and businesses with a growth and improvement mindset. The more successful you are, the better your business will grow and ExactDrive is here to help.
ExactDrive works best when paired up with an ad agency or business that is looking to optimize and enhance its service offering and campaign performance. It's important to us not just how much you spend, but where your money goes - we love diversifying our efforts across various digital media channels to maximize return on ad spend.
Whether you want to raise awareness, incite action or open new channels, ExactDrive works behind the scene to deliver results so you can focus on operational imperatives. As a result, we become extensions to your daily ad operations and can be trusted with any digital media need because deep knowledge is always at hand.
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