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Oct 25, 2018 9:17:00 AM

Vetting An Influencer? 10 Steps To Determine If They're Worth The Investment - Forbes.com

ExactDrive is excited to be included in a recently article posted on Forbes.comPost written by Kelsey Gusho of ExactDrive Inc.

Influencer marketing has become an incredibly popular strategy for brands that want to reach audiences via the people they're already paying attention to. This tactic doesn't come without its challenges, though. The process of working with influencers isn't always cut-and-dried, and building an effective relationship requires a certain level of transparency and vetting. After all, you don't want to invest your time and resources into an influencer who has inflated vanity metrics or causes controversy for your brand with their behavior.

We asked a panel of Forbes Agency Council members about the criteria agencies and marketing departments should use to evaluate potential influencers before hiring them. Their best answers are below.

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