Digital Media News

Dynamic Product Retargeting

Written by Scott Bagguley | Jan 11, 2022 9:55:00 PM

If you haven't begun to use dynamic product advertisements in your retargeting campaigns, then you could be missing out on some serious conversions. A while ago when Facebook increased the size of the Right-Hand column unit and introduced new dynamic capabilities into the news feed, it was found that companies using personalized retargeting and dynamic creatives saw an up to 115% greater click-through rate.

As Facebook advertising and retargeting techniques come together to create a more cost-effective and conversion-friendly approach to modern marketing, it's no surprise that companies are searching for new and improved ways to enhance their marketing ROI and make the most of dynamic product retargeting. With that in mind, we've put together a list of what you need to know to get started with your dynamic product retargeting strategy.

High-Res Images Are Crucial

Dynamic advertising offers a perfect opportunity for companies to show off their product catalog, service, or brand, and with retargeting, you can show the ideal images to specific customers, at the time when they're most likely to buy. Unfortunately, if you use your retargeting campaign to serve low-quality images, then you're going to make a terrible impression, and chase your prospects in the other direction.

Remember that consumers respond better to clear, crisp images - particularly when they're using HD devices and monitors. If you need to, invest in reshooting your entire catalog to ensure you have the best quality high-res images. It really is more important than you might think.

Don't Drown Users With Text

Dynamic product retargeting is not another way for you to attempt to draw your audience towards your website with engaging or interesting content. This is a place for images, and while some text may be necessary, your aim should be to keep ad copy as light as possible. In other words, less than 20% of your image should be made up of text.

Custom Audiences Are Valuable

One of the best things about dynamic product retargeting with Facebook, is that the platform allows you to develop your own customized lists using phone numbers, Facebook IDs, mobile IDs, or email addresses. Simply put, you have everything you need to segment your existing audience and deliver the perfect creative to each person who might come across your marketing efforts.

For example, segmenting the users that are already in your loyalty program will allow you to create advertisements that utilize familiar language or incentives. What's more, with custom targeting on Facebook, you can even target people who have interacted with your Facebook page in the past, as well as the friends of those connections. In other words, you open yourself up to a brand new potential audience.

Remember To Test Your Creative

While it's important to be careful about the imagery and language that you use in your dynamic product retargeting efforts, it's also worth noting that you'll struggle to figure out which methods are the most successful for your brand if you fail to test anything, to begin with. Headlines, descriptions, and even the angle of the image you're showing in your advertisement can all have an impact on click-through rate and conversions.

Whenever you're making new creative, do your best to A/B test past, and current strategies, so that you can learn as much as possible about what your audience responds to positively, and what might be having a negative effect on your overall strategy.

Keep Updating Your Strategy

As with any other form of advertising, dynamic retargeting is rife with strategies and techniques that are bound to evolve and change as the years pass. If you want to make sure that your dynamic product retargeting stays fresh and engaging, then you'll need to devote some time to staying updated with the latest trends. To some extent, this could mean keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing, but it's also worth reading up on the news reports you can find around the internet too.

Remember, the World of digital marketing is constantly evolving.A