Digital Media News

Is It Time To Change Campaign Creatives?

Written by Tim Nichols | Sep 9, 2016 2:49:52 PM

One of the most important features in the world of online advertising, and digital marketing, is the creative that you choose to display to the world. That creative is the first image that your potential clients, customers, and even future partners will use to get an idea of your company, and it not only needs to draw them towards your website, but it also needs to establish the uniqueness of your brand.

Ad creative needs to be bold, inviting, and engaging so that they can hook in the viewer before that person is distracted by something else, such as a new piece of content, or a decision to check their social media pages. Unfortunately, simply creating amazing ads the first time around won't be enough to keep your audience engaged - you'll also need to keep changing, updating, and refreshing your campaign creatives to stay ahead of the competition.

The problem is, it can be difficult for marketers and business-minded individuals alike to recognize when their creative is going stale. So how do you know when it's time to change up your campaign?

1. Technology has Been Updated

One of the most important signs that it might be time to change your campaign creative, is a change in technology or marketing trends. The chances are that when you created your advertisements in the first place, you did so according to the rules, regulations, and trends of the internet at that time. While that's a good idea, it's also important to recognize that the online world is in a constant state of evolution. In other words, the best practices and techniques that were once ideal for your marketing efforts, may not be the same today, as they were back then.

One of the best examples of this concept is the change to the mobile-first approach to marketing and advertising. As Google pushed websites to create interactive locations that people could visit just as easily from their smartphones as they would from a computer screen, the online world changed practically overnight - leaving any adverts that were not mobile friendly in the dust. If you want to stay competitive in today's market, then it's up to you to keep on top of the latest trends, and make changes as, and when they are necessary.

2. Your Interaction/Engagement Rates Are Falling

Another reason that you may consider changing your campaign creative, is that your ad interaction rates are suddenly falling. Ads need to be bold and engaging to attract attention, and the definition of "engaging" can be a fickle thing. Not only do you have to keep up with current trends, but you also have to make sure that frequent exposure to the same old adverts from your brand isn't leaving your customers afflicted with the dreaded "banner blindness" that impacts around 86% of web-users today.

Banner blindness occurs when an individual is so used to seeing the same advertisements thrown at them wherever they go on the internet - that they simply block those creatives out the moment they appear on the screen. Changing your campaign creative could help to fight back against banner blindness by ensuring that the images you create are exciting enough to draw attention, and break consumers out of their daily routine.

3. You Haven't A/B Ad Tested Recently 

Finally, checking the performance of your ads through A/B testing is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that your marketing efforts are having the results that you're hoping for. As a marketer or business owner, you should be well aware that your customers are always changing, and what appealed to your target audience a couple of months ago won't necessarily appeal to them today.

Left alone for far too long, your ad campaign performance can suffer drastically as the images and wording you use become tired, boring, and lack-luster. Refreshing that ad may be the best way to draw your audience back in and show them that you're an active, current, and relevant company.

Refreshing Campaign Creative

Part of running a successful marketing campaign relies on understanding that advertising isn't a "set-it-and-forget-it" process. Instead, it's something that you need to work at constantly, finding new ways to better yourself, reach out to your audience, and expand your success.

Hope this article was helpful. Good luck!