Digital Media News

Media Buyers Vs. Accountants: Who Drank More Over New Year's?

Written by Tim Nichols | Jan 2, 2014 10:25:00 AM

Welcome to 2014!

First, lets discuss the subject of this email. I think media buyers are the clear winners of binge drinking over New Year's. The online advertising industry gets a bit nutty leading up to the Christmas / Holiday Season. Come post tax day in April, accountants will be leading all professions in regards to drinking quantity and hangover intensity levels. Except for maybe Manhattan bankers, they seem to be equally hammered year-round.

Second, lets jump right into wishing everyone a Happy New Year and a healthy 2014! Before everyone gets busy again with their schedules, never ending emails and mounting to-do lists that have no end, lets take a moment to reflect on 2013 and be excited about 2014. While doing so lets not forget to hold health, happiness, friends and family to a higher regard than answering one more email or making one more work related phone call. There's enough time in each day to have both a work and non-work life, just put it on your to-do list and make it priority.

Okay, enough of this touchy feely Mumford & Sons sounding lyrical sappy huggy crap. Lets talk a little about what keeps the lights on around ExactDrive and that's our leading self-serve advertising platform with offered managed services. Quietly and slowly rolling out the advertising platform to the public in 2013 was both exciting and challenging.

We did somethings right and could have definitely done other things better. Either way we learned a lot and were humbled that we successfully added several hundred new users to our advertising platform in 2013. In 2014 we are kicking the heat up a little, starting with the January release of our credit card integration for Worldwide payment processing, invoice communication and historical transaction management.

Following closely behind will be the expansion of our mobile app inventory, which includes nearly all major mobile app sources. There are too many new and exciting features planned for future releases to share at one time. That said, we will be sending out an email update once a month and have provided a few additional links below for your intense reading pleasure :-)

One darn exciting list of links:


Drink lots of water,


Tim Nichols
ExactDrive Inc.
Managing Partner