Digital Media News

3 Important Online Advertising Campaign Strategies

Written by Sarah Butera | Nov 19, 2015 5:16:10 PM

In a World where the common customer often regards obvious advertising schemes with distaste, it's more crucial than ever to be ingenious in the way you construct your online advertising campaign strategies. Sometimes, getting an ad creative to the right person at the right time is enough of a challenge in itself, and as constant innovations roll into the market, there are ever more complex and confusing options available for reaching out to your audience.

We all know that digital marketing has come a long way over the recent years, but the central questions remain the same: Where is your audience? How can you get them to listen? And what will it take to ensure they engage with your brand?

If you're in charge of an online advertising campaign, then it's up to you to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape of media strategies. Fall behind, and you're likely to lose your customers to your competitors faster than you ever imagined. Following are three of the newest online solutions for advertising that you can consider if you want to stay ahead of the game.

1. Mobile Video Advertising

Mobile platform and smartphone use is at an all-time high - providing a rapidly growing solution for advertisers to reach out to consumers in places where they're bound to be paying attention. Smartphones are now the most popular way to browse the Internet, meaning that if you're not making use of ways to grab your audience's attention on a mobile scale, you could be missing out on a huge percentage of possible sales.

Today, watching videos on a smartphone or tablet makes up around 30% of videos played online, a trend assisted by the innovation of newer and faster coverage for people from all corners of the globe. What's more, the bigger screens on the most popular smartphone models of today both reflect and enable the emergence of mobile video. The great thing about accessing smartphone viewers, is that they have no other form of distraction available to them. For instance, when a TV commercial starts, modern-day viewers check their phone - but when a smartphone advertisement starts, you still have your audience's complete attention.

2. Native Advertising Opportunities

Native advertising isn't a particularly new concept, but it is one that often goes overlooked by beginners in the advertising field. Native advertising occurs when a website features advertisements designed to emulate the style and content of their site. According to a forecast by eMarketer, the amount spent on this particular form of advertising will climb to approximately $8.8 billion in 2018, and advertisers have begun to see significant engagement with the format.

Most native ads come in the form of infographics, long-form blog posts, and videos that aim to entertain, inform and inspire people without directly showing off a product or service. For example, whereas a banner ad would provide information about a Winter sale at a clothing outlet, a native ad from the same retailer would discuss winter fashion tips with the intention of driving buyers towards that sale. Native advertising can be the perfect solution for targeting a younger generation of viewers, who find obviously "salesy" content unappealing.

3. Viewable Impressions

Over the years, digital advertisers have dealt with a number of complications in attempting to spend their budget safely online. Incidents of fraud have prompted advertisers into paying out huge amounts of cash for advertisements placed at the bottom of a website page for no-one to see. At the same time, click-fraud defines a significant risk in the industry, as people attempt to run up their competitor's advertising bills to chase them off the playing field. In 2014, fraudulent activities alone may have cost the advertising industry around $11.6 billion.

Fortunately, the introduction of viewable impressions (ad viewability) could help to remove many of the problems that digital marketers face. Through viewable impressions, advertisers only have to pay a charge if their ad appears on their target user's screen for a minimum amount of time. For example, to count, a display ad must show 50% of its pixels on a user's screen for a minimum of one second.

If you do choose to look into viewable impressions, remember that it can be helpful to purchase guaranteed time slots - particularly if you're planning to run video advertisements. Choosing this strategy means that you only pay for adverts displayed for your chosen length of time. For instance, a ten second slot would only count if a viewer sees the ad for ten seconds or longer.